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Prioritize Digital Efficiency with Workflow Automation

What Are Workflow Automation Services and Why Are They Important?

Workflow automation services use software development and task logic to route information between systems and people automatically. By enabling manual tasks to be replaced with automated workflows, businesses can reduce errors and boost organization-wide productivity.

Our workflow automation solutions are custom-fit to provide digital agility that increases your efficiency and supports your business growth.

Some see workflow automation as a standalone digital transformation project: make this manual task happen without individual effort. Others see workflow automation as one step in their overall journey to becoming a digital enterprise: while making all our processes digital, automate the ones that support these business priorities. In both instances, workflow automation is a powerful, modern business capability.

Business Implications


Workflow Automation Essentials

When you’re ready to streamline your processes, whether it’s across your entire organization or for a specific project, our CoreDTS team can deliver the workflow automation solutions you need to achieve the efficiencies you require.

CoreDTS for Workflow Automation

When you partner with us for workflow automation, our CoreDTS engineers work with your team to understand your environment. We align technology and strategy at the size and scale you need to solve your challenges.

Streamlines approvals along with data extraction and reduces manual handling.

Tailors solutions to your unique business needs.

Ensures scalable and secure IT environments.

From employee onboarding to financial operations, ensuring seamless integration.

Can incorporate AI, blockchain, and more for ongoing innovation.

Grows with your business, ensuring long-term sustainability.

Offers insights for informed decision-making.

CoreDTS seamlessly integrates with leading technologies to ensure quality and performance for your business transformation. Featured technologies include:

  • Microsoft Power Automate – Automates workflows across your digital tools for enhanced productivity.
  • Microsoft AI Builder – Leverages artificial intelligence to analyze data and automate processes, driving efficiency.
  • Azure Logic Apps – Offers cloud-based integration to streamline operations and improve scalability.
  • Azure AI Document Intelligence – AI service that applies advanced machine learning to extract data automatically from documents.

CoreDTS for Workflow Automation

When you partner with us for workflow automation, our CoreDTS engineers work with your team to understand your environment. We align technology and strategy at the size and scale you need to solve your challenges.

Benefits of Workflow Automation Services

When applied to the right tasks with the right skills, even small workflow automation services projects can have a big impact on your business.

Increased Productivity

Automating repetitive tasks frees up employees’ time, allowing them to focus on more strategic, high-value activities.

Improved Efficiency

Streamlining business processes reduces time and effort to complete tasks and makes bottlenecks less likely.

Enhanced Accuracy

Minimizing manual data entry and processing reduces risk of human error and promotes more accurate outcomes.

Better Compliance

Automating workflows to meet federal and industry regulations makes maintaining compliance easier and helps reduce penalties.

Stable Scalability

Automation solutions built to accommodate business growth or changes help ensure processes remain efficient regardless of volume.

Satisfied Customers

Faster response times and more accurate request processing can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.


5 Signs Your Business Needs Digital Transformation

Organizations that fail to invest in digital technology and transform their operations risk becoming obsolete in the ever-evolving business landscape. But how do you know when your company needs to make the switch? We break down the top five signs your business needs digital transformation.

What Our Customers Say

“At Dianthus Therapeutics, we recognize the valuable role that Coretelligent plays in our ability to execute and meet the needs of our employees and partners. Their services provide a crucial foundation for our ability to grow and meet the needs of the company and our industry. Coretelligent’s expertise in helping with everything from security and compliance to our daily processes allows us to focus on our goals.”

“What has made Coretelligent stand apart is the level of service, the responsiveness, the attentiveness, and willingness to jump in and do whatever it takes to get the job done. There is an attitude that’s different at Coretelligent, that’s different from any other IT we’ve experienced before.”

“Our business is 24×7. We have people who work throughout the night and at all odd hours. It’s critical that any problem they have gets immediate attention. Coretelligent’s response times and level of competency have been phenomenal. As a growing investment firm, it was important to have the right technology, speed, and execution. Noting the complexity of a small organization and a number of people who are highly dependent upon their systems, it was mission critical for us to have a top-tier technology infrastructure and partner.”

Let’s Talk About Your Workflow Automation Services Needs 

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FAQs About Workflow Automation Services

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Workflow automation is the process of using technology to automate complex and repetitive tasks within business processes. It involves using software and tools to streamline and accelerate tasks, eliminating the need for manual intervention. This can include everything from automating document approvals and data entry to integrating various systems to work together seamlessly. 

By implementing workflow automation, businesses can improve efficiency, reduce errors, enhance productivity, and increase operational performance. The goal is to free up employees’ time from routine tasks, allowing them to focus on more strategic and creative work – and ultimately drive better business outcomes

Examples of workflow automation include use cases across industries and business functions. Versatile and impactful, workflow automation helps businesses streamline activities related to: 

  • Automated Document Approvals – In many organizations, document approval processes are automated to reduce manual handling. For example, purchase orders, invoices, and contracts can be routed automatically to the appropriate decision-makers for approval, based on predefined criteria.
  • CRM Updates – Workflow automation can automatically update customer relationship management (CRM) systems when new contact information is collected from lead generation forms, ensuring that sales teams have the most current data without manual entry.
  • Employee Onboarding – Automating the onboarding process for new hires involves tasks such as creating accounts for email, access to work systems, scheduling orientation sessions, and assigning necessary training modules without manual intervention.
  • Customer Service – Automating ticket assignments in customer service queues ensures that customer inquiries are routed to the appropriate department or individual based on the nature of the request, which improves response times and customer satisfaction.
  • Social Media Management – Automating the scheduling of social media posts allows marketing teams to plan their content strategy in advance, ensuring consistent engagement with their audience without needing to manually post each item.
  • Financial Services – In the financial sector, workflow automation can handle tasks like fraud detection alerts, customer transaction processing, and automated reporting for regulatory compliance.

These examples illustrate how workflow automation can be applied to different facets of business operations, driving significant improvements in efficiency, accuracy, and productivity.

Businesses and industries that are a good fit for workflow automation services include:

  • Financial Services – Banks, insurance companies, and financial institutions can automate manual tasks in loan processing, fraud detection, customer service inquiries, and compliance reporting to enhance efficiency and accuracy.
  • Professional Services – Law firms, consulting firms, and marketing agencies can benefit from automating manual tasks in contract approvals, project billing, client onboarding, and campaign analytics to enhance service delivery and client satisfaction.
  • Healthcare – Hospitals, clinics, and pharmaceutical companies can benefit from automating manual tasks in patient records management, appointment scheduling, insurance claims processing, and regulatory compliance to improve patient care and operational efficiency.
  • Manufacturing – Manufacturers can use workflow automation for manual tasks in supply chain management, inventory tracking, quality control processes, and maintenance schedules to increase production efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Retail and Ecommerce – Retailers and e-commerce platforms can automate manual tasks in order processing, level 1 customer support, inventory management, and personalized marketing campaigns to improve customer satisfaction and operational agility.
  • Education – Schools, colleges, and educational institutions can automate manual tasks in student enrollment, course scheduling, grading systems, and communication between faculty and students to streamline administrative tasks.

Our workflow automation solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of these industries and many more. We help businesses of all sizes achieve significant improvements in efficiency, accuracy, and productivity.

The different types of workflow automation are categorized according to the complexity of tasks, the nature of the processes being automated, and the goals of the automation. Understanding the differences helps businesses select the right automation tools and strategies for their needs. Here’s an overview:

  • Sequential Workflows – The simplest form of workflow automation, where tasks are performed in a specific order. Each step is dependent on the completion of the previous one, commonly used for processes with clear, linear progression like document approvals or employee onboarding.
  • State Machine Workflows – More complex, these workflows involve tasks that might need to go back and forth between stages based on certain conditions. This type is suited for processes that require decision-making and might not follow a linear path, such as issue-tracking systems.
  • Rules-Based Workflows – These workflows operate based on predefined rules or conditions. If a condition is met, a specific action is triggered. This type is ideal for processes that involve data validation, routing decisions, or conditional operations, like lead scoring in marketing or triaging support tickets.
  • Parallel Workflows – In these workflows, multiple tasks or processes can occur simultaneously rather than sequentially. This is useful in scenarios where tasks do not depend on the completion of others and can be executed in parallel to save time, such as processing different parts of a large dataset concurrently.
  • Event-Driven Workflows – These are triggered by specific events rather than being started manually or on a schedule. For example, receiving an email could trigger a series of automated tasks like updating a CRM, notifying team members, or starting a data entry process.
  • Business Process Management (BPM) Workflows – Focused on continuous improvement, BPM workflows are designed to optimize business processes. They involve analyzing, designing, implementing, monitoring, and modifying processes for better efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Integration Workflows – These workflows focus on automating interactions between different software applications, systems, or services. They ensure seamless data exchange and process integration across various tools, platforms, or databases.

Each type of workflow automation offers unique benefits and is suitable for different operational needs. By leveraging the right type, organizations can significantly enhance their efficiency, reduce manual errors, and improve overall productivity.

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Application Development

Eliminate pain points and fuel innovation inside your organization with custom software applications.

AI & Emerging Technologies

Integrate smart technologies that streamline workflows, optimize data analysis, and support scalable growth within the digital economy.

Dashboards & Data Visualization

Present analytics at a glance and unlock insights that help you make informed decisions effortlessly.